Moral DecayNew America


I respect the need by some women to put their babies up for adoption, but I draw the line at unrepentant, loose-legged sluts acting as if they never gave birth in the first place.

Cue The Daily Wire:

Tuesday, Indiana dedicated their first official “baby drop-off box” in accordance with safe haven laws: laws on books in all 50 states which allow mothers to “drop off” their unwanted babies to designated areas—typically police stations, fire houses and hospitals—without prosecution.

The mainstreamed drop-off box is quite alarming to view, even if you are pro-safe haven laws; resembling the drop-off slot on the side of your local library where you discard books you finished reading and no longer need or want.

Moreover, Indiana reportedly plans to put up 100 or more of these drop-off boxes throughout the state.

I call these women sluts for a reason — because babies do not simply appear out of thin air. And given the litany of either cheap or free birth control options available, not to mention the abundance of “safe havens,” there is simply no excuse for any woman to just drop off a baby like a piece of trash.

The fact that some women nevertheless feel the need to pursue this sickening option speaks to the drastic decline of morals and values in the United States — as does the fact that some states now feel compelled to humor these women.

Supporters of the boxes argue that having women drop off their babies is better than them either tossing their babies in dumpsters or burying them alive.

Talk about an epic reduction in our base expectations of the people who live in our presumably civilized society. What would be better, I argue, would be if women were to TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for themselves!

For one, start using birth control. Obama lets you get it for absolutely free (despite my objections, I might add), so what’s the problem!?

Second, if you do give birth but just simply cannot handle taking care of a baby, put it up for adoption. It’s not that hard to do!


It’s one thing for an individual to act without any concern for personal responsibility. It’s another altogether for the state to sanction such despicable behavior …

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